Answers to some of our most commonly asked questions are below. If you still have questions, please contact us and we'd be happy to help.

Board & Train Programs

All board and train drop-offs are by appointment only. If you drop off after 4 PM, training will begin on the following day and you will be charged for one night’s boarding ($65).

We do not have “classes” for Board & Train programs, since all board and train drop-offs are by appointment only. Dogs are dropped off every day of the week to begin their program. However, if you drop off on a Sunday, we would need to extend their program by one day as we don’t schedule turnover lessons on Sundays. Your turnover lesson would be scheduled for Monday two weeks later and you will incur an additional $65 boarding fee for the one additional night boarding.

Please bring enough food to last your dog’s stay, plus one week. If your dog is enrolled in our two week Board & Train program, please bring three weeks worth of food. Current immunization records which can be emailed from your vet (info@tamingthewild.com) and any medication your dog may need to take while with us (heartworm meds, etc.).

The Board & Train Contract from Right Signature must be completed prior to drop off, along with the Pre-Board and Train Questionnaire for care and training. If you are unable to access the electronic form, a hard copy may be completed when you arrive. You will need to schedule your first Turnover Lesson through Full Slate. A link should have been emailed to you on the day you scheduled your program. A copy of your dog’s current immunization forms must accompany your dog before he/she can be left with us. Immunizations required are: Rabies, Distemper, Bordetella, and Canine Influenza (H3N2/H3N8). The records may be emailed from your vet if you do not have a hard copy. info@tamingthewild.com

Toys, beds (unless you have a big boned dog such as a Great Dane), bowls, collars, leashes, etc.

If your dog runs out of food before the end of his/her board and train program, you may bring another bag of food or we can purchase a bag from local retailers. Please know, there is an additional charge for this.

All dogs are weighed upon check in, on Wednesdays, Sundays and on the day they go home. We take the health and well-being of the dogs in our care very seriously. If it is just that your dog needs a bit of encouragement to eat, we have an assortment of wet (canned) foods for sale that we can mix with your dog’s kibble to encourage him/her to eat. This wet food will be added to your dog’s account. If your dog begins to lose weight to the point of it becoming a concern, we will contact you and discuss a better plan for your dog.

All board and train dogs undergo several lessons per day Monday - Saturday. Therefore, Sunday is typically a "no train day" and is used to unload any stress incurred during the week. However, if we have any dogs that are lagging and need some extra time, we will train them on Sundays.

We do not allow visits in any of our board & train programs with the exception of Phase II. In our Phase II program, we do have a WORKING midway turnover lesson that is done at the two week point. Our Training Supervisor will contact you to arrange your midway turnover lesson.

We will personally contact you halfway through your dog’s training program with a formal update on your dog's progress. If we have any concerns about your dog’s training progress, health or overall well-being we will contact you right away.

Yes, but not everyday, please. You may call the kennel side of the house and inquire about your dog’s general overall well-being, but please know they can not answer training questions. The telephone number is 901-848-2373 extension 2.

We accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards.

Please contact us to reschedule. If you cancel and do not reschedule your dog's training, your deposit is forfeited.

Changing training start dates is usually not an issue and your deposit is not forfeited. Please be respectful and give us as much advance notice as possible.

Not at all. They are smart animals, and their bond with you will remain once they return home.

No. Dogs who come in for a Board & Train program go through an acclimation period as they adjust to their new pack (us and the other board & train dogs), but they aren’t lamenting your absence and wondering if you are ever coming back. They are just adjusting to their new surroundings. They will go through the same re-acclimation process when they return back home to you!

You lose all monies paid for training. No refunds are issued.

Absolutely not! We form a special bond with all the dogs that come through our training program. However, some dogs honestly don’t like cameras! They look like they would rather crawl under the conference room table or training bench than have their picture taken. We don’t want you to get a photo of your dog that makes you feel upset so we would rather not put one out there at all. If you have concerns because you haven’t seen your dog’s sweet face yet, send an email inquiring about it.

We use a combination of force-free, classical conditioning and operant conditioning; all complementary motivations that play critical roles in learning. During the learning phase we go through hundreds of repetitions of each command using positive reinforcement along with verbal markers to teach the dog what the commands mean. After the dog has a clear understanding of the commands and is motivated to follow them, we transition into the proofing and generalization stage of training. This is when we begin to hold them accountable, by only rewarding the right responses to commands and good behavior(s). Further, if your dog's program requires reliable responses to all commands, we will attach negative consequences or apply corrections for not following a command or for engaging in unwanted behavior(s). That consequence can be in the form of a verbal correction (phooey!, No!, eeegh!) or a snap on the leash. The level of correction depends on the dog. Our training process is scientifically proven to be highly effective for training animals (and humans). It is simple and creates very reliable obedience!

Yes, however, we believe in first teaching the dog what is expected through positive motivation before any corrective collars are introduced. We use a variety of corrective collars to emphasize control, not inflict pain. There are three phases of dog training; acquiring information (learning), proofing or ensuring the dog understands the commands, and generalizing (proficiency through consistent execution).

Over the years we have received hundreds of dogs that have gone through “Positive Reinforcement Only” training courses that have failed at addressing unwanted behaviors and establishing "reliable" responses to any given commands. In order for an undesired behavior to be extinguished an appropriate consequence needs to be applied. In order to achieve a reliable response to a given command, there must be a consequence for choosing an incorrect response and a positive benefit for choosing the desired response. In other words, we approach training with a balanced strategy that rewards good behaviors and corrects undesired behaviors. The result is a confident dog (understands the requirements of all commands) that reliably responses to any command given by its owner.

We utilize remote training collars to achieve a reliable response to all OFF-LEASH commands. People who do not know how to properly train with a remote collar call them "shock collars". This way of thinking could not be further from the truth when a remote training collar is utilized by a skilled practioner and expert behaviorist such as Bryan Bailey. "The remote training collar enhances all trained behaviors by creating a stereotype communication signal across the spectrum of all handlers. After all, the collar doesn’t care who’s finger presses the stimulus button. The haptic input your dog receives is the same from everyone who gives a command. This effectively compensates for any power disparities or any inadequacies in handler skills within the family. What’s neat is the haptic signal your dog receives that creates incredible reliability is lower than what most people feel when they receive a text or call when their phone is in the silent mode! Hence, why the term, "shock collar", is outdated and ridiculous.

For 40 years, I have witnessed how impactful this cutting-edge tool has been in establishing a powerful, working bond between dogs and their owners. These collars helped me train over 200 service dogs for children with advance muscular dystrophy. These dogs performed directed retrieval of needed objects by children trapped in the restraints of their disease and wheelchairs. They also helped me train hundreds of police service dogs that could track lost children and elderly people, sniff out narcotics and explosives, and apprehend deadly criminals. Lastly, they have helped me save the lives of thousands of dogs that were destined for euthanasia because their behavior had become unbearable for their owners (the #1 reason for dog abandonment is bad behavior). Because of these reasons and many more, I personally wouldn’t think of owning a dog without remote collar training. It’s that impactful." ~Bryan

You must remember, you are not taking home a refrigerator! You are dealing with an animal that makes it’s own choices. Ultimately, a lot of the responsibility is up to you, the owner. YOU must have the WILL to enforce the cues that our trainers have instilled in your dog. Our trainers will teach you how to carry forward the behaviors that have been put on your dog through the private turnover lesson on the day you come to pick up your dog. After you go home, it is up to you to follow our direction and do your homework. It is up to you to HAVE THE WILL to enforce the cues and maintain the training. We guarantee your dog will have the knowledge of the cues and will perform them for someone who has the will to enforce them. We guarantee that we will be here to help transfer to you what your dog has learned with us.

That depends! Younger dogs with a shorter attention span will have shorter training sessions and more of them. Older dogs with longer attention spans will have fewer training sessions that last longer. Typically, training sessions during the second week are longer than training sessions during the first week as the dog is ready to start working on the “stay” concept and harder distractions (other dogs, people, noises, smells, etc.). The second week is also when the dogs get to participate in field trips to places such as Bass Pro, Academy Sports and Lowe's. There are many variables when it comes to number of sessions and duration.

No! We don’t believe in having one trainer per dog. Ours is a balanced program in which your dog is handled by all of our experienced trainers. This helps to ensure that you’ll be able to successfully control your dog at the completion of the training.

Yes, we can train your dog to respond in commands in Czech, Dutch, French or German for no extra charge.

Yes, we accept all breeds of dogs regardless of size.

No, we do not groom or cut hair. If you have a long coated dog, we recommend having their coat trimmed prior to beginning the course to help prevent matting. It is especially important to remove the fur out of the dog’s eyes so that they are able to see the trainers during training sessions.

Routine brushing and bathing can be scheduled during Board & Train, at no extra charge. Even if you do not have a long coated dog, we require your dog to be bathed at the end of your dog’s Board & Train program so that you have a clean dog at the time of pick up.

Dogs are welcome to arrive before or stay after their training program. However, per night boarding fees apply.

The maintenance doesn’t require a huge time commitment on your part! It is the consistency and clear communication that are the keys to success. We recommend that you make training a part of your life. Practice a few cues when you let your dog out to potty, when he gets his meals, during play or walks, when you are cooking dinner or even during TV commercials. Maintaining the training is such a small time investment for the huge payoff of a well-behaved dog that you will enjoy for a long time. However, that being said, the most important time for reinforcing the training is the first two weeks after your dog returns home from his training program. Do not plan a trip out of town and leave him with a dog sitter or schedule his training to finish during your busiest time of the year at work. His first two weeks back home should when you are able to dedicate time to reinforcing his training and enjoying some quality time together.

If your dog is a graduate of our Basic, Enhanced, or Advanced Training Programs, you will receive FREE refresher training for your dog's lifetime.

No. If you send us a shy dog you will get back a shy dog with some great obedience. If you send us a spirited dog, you will get back a spirited dog with some great obedience. We can’t change your dog’s DNA. They are who they are and they will be that same dog when we finish with them. But you will be able to control their behaviors.

No, if there is blood and oxygen coursing through the brain they can learn.

16 weeks is our minimum age for all non-puppy board and train programs. But, please realize you are sending us a young puppy and you will be returned a young puppy with some good obedience. We will only push them as far as their little puppy brains allow.

Dog Boarding

Boarding drop-off and pick-up are by appointment only. Please be sure to schedule drop-off and pick-up times when you reserve your dog's boarding dates.

Yes! Please, do! At The Academy for Canine Behavior and Training, you just need for make an appointment, and we would be happy to show you around.

Dogs must be current on their Rabies, Bordetella, Distemper & Canine Influenza (H3N2/H3N8) vaccinations. We require proof of those vaccinations before the dogs are allowed in our kennel / daycare areas.

At least 4 months. We do board puppies younger than 4 months, but separate them from the general population.

Yes! In fact, we encourage it! We call that “Pack Boarding.” We will try to find a packmate for all dogs to help lower stress levels.

No, although we do encourage Pack Boarding to help lower stress levels, it isn’t required to board with us. If you would prefer for your dog to board alone, that is an option. Just let us know!

Yes, we will gladly administer medications to your dog. Please keep the medications in the original prescription container so that we have detailed information about the medication. You must also provide detailed administration information upon drop off. (There is an additional charge for administering medications.)

Yes! All dogs are required to be on leash at all times when coming or going. This is for the safely of your dog. This will also keep our lobby environment calm and running smoothly. Remember, not all dogs that come to The Academy for Canine Behavior and Training are dog friendly.

If your dog has an illness that is contagious (cough, runny nose, sneeze), do not bring them to The Academy for Canine Behavior and Training until you have veterinary clearance that they are no longer contagious. If your dog has an illness that is not contagious, we are happy to take good care of them while you are away. If your dog has a compromised immune system or other serious health issues, you should discuss your plans with your veterinarian before deciding to board them in any facility. Remember, The Academy for Canine Behavior and Training cannot be held responsible if your dog becomes ill during or after their stay.

Yes, please! To prevent stomach upset, we like to keep dog’s on their same diet. You may send your dog’s food in individually packed containers or one big bag. Whatever is most convenient for you. However, please bring enough to last your dog’s stay.

Yes! When you drop your dog off for boarding, you will be asked about your dog’s eating schedule. Please inform the staff and we will keep them on their routine.

No worries! Some dogs, like some people, don’t enjoy social settings. We will ensure that your dog gets lots of human attention!